Utkal as described in Skanda Purana

The sacred land of Odisha with magnificent temples and historical monuments illustrates an era of glorious achievements. The distinguished features of this region are well documented in ancient scriptures as well. Long ago it was famously known by three names – Utkal, Udra and Kalinga. However, some people hold the view that these names were used to refer to three adjacent kingdoms that shared a common culture. Others argue that it was a single geographical territory which got these names in different phases of history. Skanda Purana [one of the mythological scriptures] throws light on a place named Utkal and the description in it precisely matches some of the physical features of present Odisha even by the very names.

According to the Purana: a vast piece of land, by the sea in the south, that stretches from the mouth of the River Rishikulya to the tract of land between the rivers Swarnarekha and Mahanadi is well known as Utkal. This extremely sacred place is full of grand temples, holy pilgrim centres and other important features of high spiritual values. The same scripture gives a detailed account of the people who lived in this place and their ideal life-style.

The people living in Utkal are strictest followers of good manners and etiquettes which are far above superficiality and reflect their genuine images. They are graceful, polite, stress and sickness free, truthful, devotees of Lord Vishnu, god-believers and dedicated to the service of their parents. Each citizen here, without exception, is a samaritan. The land is just devoid of greedy, wicked and cunning people. The people here are noted also for their longevity. The women here are beautiful, well-mannered, adorned with jewellery and abide by the rules, family values and ideologies.

The Brahmins here are well-mannered, introspective and often engaged in Yagyans. In the beginning of the creation, Yagyans and study of the vedas start from here so the inhabitants here are the instigators of the scriptures like The Vedas.

The warrior class of Utkal [Kshatriyas] never neglect in carrying out their duties. They are ever pepped up for the safety of their countrymen. They are generous and well versed in all scriptures. They perform Yagyans that require more expenses. The fire at their Yagyan-place never gets extinguished because of the frequently performed Yagyans and the gold studded Yagyan jupa adorns the place. They satisfy their visitors by giving them more than they expect to get.

The merchants and the business class people [Vaishyas] engage themselves in activities like cow-maintainance, agriculture and commerce. They satisfy the Gurus, Gods and the Brahmins by their devotion, and charity. The ones who come for alms to the house of one of these people, do not need to visit another as all their requirements are fulfilled by the first person they visit.

Even the Shudras of Utkal are skilled in subjects like music, poetry, art and craft. They speak kindly too. They are always ready for religious activities, taking holy baths and giving alms. They are always ready to serve the Brahmins with their good wishes, good interaction, deeds and wealth.

The mixed caste or hybrid caste people also engage themselves in their personal trades. The seasons here never show reverse behavior. Here it never rains untimely, so it does not affect agriculture. The inhabitants here never suffer from starvation or experience the ravages of epidemics and famines. This place never gets destroyed and there is hardly anything in the world which is not available here. Utkal is the best of all the states.


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