Reason behind the fall of Konark Sun Temple

To find the exact reason behind the fall of the Konark Sun Temple is difficult as we have to take the help of history and history is always speculative.

However several reasons come to mind. They are –

1. Magnet theory:

As per legend, a huge magnet was fitted at the top of the temple which used to deviate the seafaring iron vessels and cause them damage. Thus some enraged sailors removed the magnet from the temple which resulted in imbalance of the main structure and ultimately the temple collapsed. However it is hard to believe in such theory as no such magnet has yet been developed that can drag a whole ship from the sea.

2. Lightning theory:

Another theory suggests that the temple was severely damaged by lightening and got destroyed ultimately. But this theory does not look good due to the reason that if such a lightening took place that damaged the big temple, how could the nearby Jagamohana or the front temple remain unaffected?

3. Earthquake theory:

There is a theory which believes that the temple got destroyed due to an earthquake. But this theory also does not hold ground due to the fact that if such an earthquake did occur, it should have damaged the whole structure which is not the case here.

4. Closing down of the nearby port:

Another theory suggests that, the nearby port closed down due to silted waterways and thus people left the place and the temple was deserted ultimately leading to its destruction. This theory though suggests people deserting the land however there is no specific explanation regarding the closing down of the temple. There are temples in India like the Kedarnath and the Badrinath where worship of the Idols are continuing in spite of unfavorable weather and environment. So the worship in the Konark Sun Temple should have continued as the ancient Hindus revered their Gods a lot.

5. Weak foundation:

Another theory suggests that the temple was constructed on a swampy land and had a weak foundation due to which it collapsed. This theory also does not hold ground due to the fact that the observations show no cracks or sinking of the foundation of the temple.

6. Refusal of the local priests to perform Puja in the temple:

The idols of the Sun God in the temple were depicted wearing shoes unlike other idols of the Hindus. Thus this gave an image of an alien deity to the Sun God and the local priests refused to offer Puja and worship there. There is a theory which tells that the king had to bring priests from distant Iran to perform the daily worship of the idols. However this arrangement might not have yielded results for a long time and thus ultimately the worship would have to be stopped in the temple resulting in abandonment of the temple. So due to lack of maintenance the temple would have fallen down over a long period of time. However this theory might not prove true because if such was the case how come the representative idols find a place inside Sri Jagannath Temple and are worshiped till today?

7. The temple was never completed:

Another theory suggests that the temple was never completed which lead to the place getting deserted and ultimately leading to destruction. However there is enough proof that idol worship of the Sun God continued in the temple and the representative idols of the Sun God are placed now in the Puri Sri Jagannath Temple which disproves this theory.

8. Muslim invasion theory:

The most popular theory of the destruction of the temple is assigned to invasion of the Muslims which resulted in desecration of the temple which was deserted later on and ultimately leading to destruction. This is the only plausible theory till today which suggests the demolition of the temple by invaders like Kalapahada and Baqur Khan. Historical evidence also supports this theory.

These are just speculations regarding the reasons behind the fall of the Konark Sun Temple. Any one or a combination of the above theories might be true. Whatever might be the reason, even now the Konark is a symbol of rich Indian architecture and craftsmanship about which Rabindranath Tagore once said –

“Here the language of stone surpasses the language of man.”


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